NR565 Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals
1. Question: I understand the value of doing my own work and learning this skill to support my
future independent practice as a nurse practitioner. I understand that while there may be
opportunities beyond my faculty’s control to collaborate or share answers with peers, that it would
not benefit my own personal and professional growth to do so. I agree to do my own work and
take personal responsibility for my learning.
2. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which glucose level
equates with a Hgb A1C of 8.1%?
3. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. John calls the office
and reports that he is scheduled for diagnostic testing that requires IV contrast for imaging. He
inquires if there are concerns with undergoing this procedure while taking his medications. What
instructions should be given to John regarding his metformin regimen?
4. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Using the ADA
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2020, which of the following medications should be
prescribed for John?
5. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. What is the
recommended interval for monitoring John’s HgbA1C?
6. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which of the
following lab test should be evaluated before prescribing metformin?
7. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which of John’s
behaviors should be addressed to encourage lifestyle changes and decrease A1C levels? Select all
that apply.
8. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Which behavior in
John’s social history poses a potential concern with initiating metformin?
9. Question: Use the John Jones case study to answer the following question. Metformin works by
decreasing and
10. Question: John’s triglycerides are 260 mg/dl and his HDL is 35mg/dl. Referring to the ADA
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2020, what is the correct action to take at this time?…….25