(Solved) NR305 Week 6 Discussion: iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter Debriefing


NR305 Health Assessment for Practicing RN

Preparing the Discussion


Debriefing: Discover and Deepen

  1. You are encouraged, but not required, to complete at least one iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter attempt before participating in the debriefing.
  2. Answer all questions below with explanations and details. No scholarly sources are required.

Paragraph one: Reflect on your experience conducting a mental health assessment. Explain how your understanding and approach to mental health assessment has evolved over time. What experiences or insights have impacted the way you approach a mental health assessment?

Paragraph two: Answer the questions based on the first letter of your last name below.

Last Name Question to Answer
A – G How would you approach a mental health assessment differently if you were evaluating an adolescent with bulimia nervosa?
H – Q How would you approach a mental health assessment differently if you were evaluating an elderly client diagnosed with a terminal illness having suicidal ideation?
R – Z How would you approach an assessment differently if you were evaluating a client you suspect is a victim of human trafficking?

Paragraph three: Reflect on the importance of assessing violence and abuse. Consider your knowledge of conducting proper assessments, documenting related injuries, and reporting cases in accordance with your state and facility’s policy for managing suspected cases of violence and abuse. How can you enhance your skills and adherence to these essential policies to better support and protect those at risk of violence and abuse?

Posts should meet the following criteria:

  1. Engage in Meaningful Dialogue:Engage with peers and/or faculty by asking questions, and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice.
    1. Respond to a peer and/or faculty post.
    2. Provide additional information or clarification in the reply post.
    3. Add depth to the debriefing.
  2. Communicate Professionally:Communicates professionally on all posts.
    1. Communicate clearly and concisely.
    2. Communicate respectfully, civilly, and caringly.
    3. Communicate with minimal English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation errors.


I do not have any experience conducting a mental health assessment, but I did have clinicals in a mental health facility and watch a nurse perform one. I watched an assessment on a patient in the facility who happened to be a nurse that had pulled many OT hours at a dialysis clinic, was sleep deprived and had a nervous breakdown. She was agitated and had a history of taking medication to stay up to cope with the long hours. The nurse conducted a thorough evaluation gathering the information to determine what led to the breakdown. …….Please click the icon below to access entire solution at $5