(Solution) MATH225N Week 1 Discussion: Basic Statistics Data Used in Everyday Life

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  1. Present two different types of data, or variables, used in the health field. Examples could be blood pressure, temperature, pH, pain rating scales, pulse oximetry, % hematocrit, minute respiration, gender, age, ethnicity, etc.
  2. Classify each of your variables as qualitative or quantitative and explain why they fall into the category that you chose.
  3. Also, classify each of the variables as to their level of measurement–nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio–and justify your classifications.
  4. Which type of sampling could you use to gather your data? (stratified, cluster, systematic, and convenience sampling)


The two types of data I would like to discuss are blood pressure and age.

Based on my understanding of Holmes, Illowsky, & Dean (2017, p. 9), blood pressure would be considered as a quantitative continuous data because a sphygmomanometer instrument can measure blood pressure to fractions or decimal points. Furthermore, the explanation given in Holmes et al., (2017, p. 21) tells us that the level of measurement for blood pressure is a ratio because its numerical data can consist of a zero that is inherent.  For example, blood pressure of zero means the heart is no longer beating……….please click the icon below to purchase full solution at $5