(Answered) NR505NP Week 6: Discussion


NR505NP Advanced Research Methods: Evidence-Based


Respond to the following prompts:

  • How has learning about the history of research ethics impacted your view of biomedical research?
  • In looking at the studies you reviewed for your PICOT question, do you feel that today’s researchers adequately protect the rights of human subjects? If not, what additional measures do you recommend?


How has learning about the history of research ethics impacted your view of biomedical research?To me research is a lot of trial and error, having control groups, and medical journals. It makes me wonder if people are properly informed when they participate in research trials. Sure when we take care of our patient’s we have HIPPA to think about and sometime this becomes a fine ethical line, especially when families are working on guardianship or healthcare POA. Clearly the participants of the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis were not informed causing a major ethical dilemma. In the healthcare field we are very stressed and sometimes we cut corners and this could also cause a ethical issue………please click the icon below to purchase full answer at $5